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Air Deployable Arctic Buoy Development

SBIR (Small business Innovative Research) projects include the development of the AXIB for NOAA, an air deployable “Seasonal Ice Buoy” designed to survive the crushing forces of the ice through multiple freeze and thaw cycles in the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans. The LBI AXIB buoy has the record for successful survival in the arctic, reporting for more than 5 years. LBI continuesto manufacture the AXIB for the Navy NOAA and Environment and Climate Change Canada. Additionally, Legnos developed the AXSEB, Air Deployable Severe Environment Buoy or “Hurricane Buoy” for NOAA. This was under a NOAA SBIR.

In September of 2017 Legnos was a member of a newly formed international cooperation team that deployed LBI’s AXIB buoys near the North Pole. These flights on a Danish C-130 were out of The US Air Force Base in Thule, Greenland. In response to changing requirements for weather and oceanographic information, LBI continues to grow in new directions to meet our changing world and is now developing a new “Seasonal Ice Buoy” to address those needs.

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